Master in Data Science and Statistical Learning

The 2nd Level Master in Data Science and Statistical Learning (MD2SL) aims to equip professionals with extensive theoretical knowledge of more advanced statistical, IT and computational tools, allowing them to use and critically evaluate the potential of different methods to extract information from the increasing amount of data available in diverse application areas, with particular reference to applications in the economic, business and health sectors, to provide research questions and foster innovation.

Kick-off Meeting 2024/2025 Edition!

Kick-off Meeting 2024/2025 Edition! 

NOW OPEN! the call for n. 2 scholarships for the AA 2024/2025 Edition of the Master!

NOW OPEN! the call for n. 2 scholarships for the AA 2024/2025 Edition of the Master! 

Material ONLINE OPEN DAY 2024!

Material ONLINE OPEN DAY 2024! 



Congrats! Martina Pacifici Wins the Maccacaro Award for Research on Postpartum Depression.

Congrats! Martina Pacifici Wins the Maccacaro Award for Research on Postpartum Depression. 

Open day material now available!

Open day material now available! 

Key Facts on MD2SL!

Key Facts on MD2SL! 

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New official website. 

Brochure MD2SL.

Brochure MD2SL. The Brochure of MD2SL is now available!


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